GE117 ||Composition 1

NOTE || Effective Week 3:
Inclass Exercises are based on the current week's lecture. If you are absent from class and turn in
the paperwork late, it will earn only half credit.

Late Assignments start at a lower grade point.
If 1 week late, the grading begins at 89 points (B).
If 2 weeks late, the grading begins at 79 pts (C).
If 3 weeks late, the grading begins at 69 pts (D).

Top 10 Essay Guidelines  
week 1
     journal example Sei Shonogan
     journal example Sylvia Plath
     journal example Susan Mitchell
     inclass exercise 1: Free-Writing and Mapping
     assignment 1: Free-Writing
week 2
     essay example: informal voice
     essay example: formal voice
     inclass exercise 2: Passive vs Active Verbs
     inclass exercise 2.2: Finding a Limited Subject
     assignment 2: Audience & Tone
week 3
    Topic Sentence Examples || Paragraph Developments
     inclass exercise 3 (part 1): Topic Sentences
     inclass exercise 3 (part 2): Paragraph Development
     paragraph examples: Childhood Autobiographies
     assignment 3: Autobiographical Paragraph
week 4
    Search Engine Links:
    Yahoo! Directory
    Google Book Search
    Google Directory
    Houstin Online Library
    ITT-Tech Virtual Library
    inclass exercise 4: Revision of Autobiographical Paragraph         checklist
    assignment 4: Research
week 5
    Moving from Broad Topic to Limited Subject to Thesis
    Thesis Statement & Intro Paragraph Examples
    Grade Rubric for Autobiographical Paragraph
    Creating Headers in Word2007 and Word2003
    inclass exercise 5: Construct a Plausable Thesis Statement
week 6
     assignment 6: Declaring your Audience, Thesis, & Annotated Bibliography
     inclass exercise 6: Patterns of Development: Casual Analysis
     Final Project Overview
    Plagiarism Learning Center
     inclass exercise 7: Descriptive Writing & Illustration
     assignment 7: Preliminary Draft of Research Paper
     > New Search Engine Available:       Yahoo! News Article
week 8
     inclass exercise 8: Parallelism
     inclass exercise 8.02: Define Your Objective