GD160||Basic Web Design
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Frida Kahlo "Las Dos Fridas"
.:First Impressions & Opinions

     This exercise explores your skills of analytic observation as well as
 your communication of first impressions and opinions. In addition, it  encourages you to practice pre-writing techniques before finalizing a  beginning draft for a project.
     The assignment is not graded for content; however, it does count as a  participation grade and specific objectives need to be met.

• Using the supplied MS Word format, fill out the necessary heading information.

• Type out your free-write session with random thoughts and observations regarding the above painting: Las Dos Fridas. Do not worry about typos or grammatical errors at this stage.

• Your main objective is to fill out an entire sheet with the different ideas and impressions you gain from an artistic source. This should take approximately 20 double-spaced lines.

• As a diagnostic exercise, it will show to me your powers of observation and analysis.

     Often students hesitate and “blank out” in front of an empty page. This is a common aspect of the writing process—we all go through this stage at one time or another. If you need more focus on how to combat this feeling, concentrate on answering the following questions:
(be sure to use full phrases or full sentence format)
• What was your first reaction when you saw the painting?
• Why do you dislike/like the image? (Be very specific.)
• Why do you think she chose to represent herself as two people?
• What emotions did you feel when you realized her heart is exposed?
• What emotions do you feel looking at her double portrait?
• Can you imagine other people’s reactions?
• What makes her overall work popular even today?
• What does her exposed heart(s) represent to you?
   Do not complete background research—but do explore your initial responses to the art piece itself.